Data Types

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Customizable Data Types
    1. Data Types that You Can Modify As You Wish
    2. Data Types for Interacting with the GUI Midi and Audio Visualizers
  3. Non-Customizable Data Types
    1. Data Types Available in All Threads


There are a number of data types that you will be commonly using in the code. Some of these data types are available in all of the deployment threads and some are only available in specific threads. This page will give you an overview of the data types. You can find more information about each data type in the corresponding subsections.

Customizable Data Types

Data Types that You Can Modify As You Wish

Data TypeDescriptionAPI
CustomPresetDataDictionaryA structure holding any required torch tensor to be stored alongside a presetHere

Data Types for Interacting with the GUI Midi and Audio Visualizers

Data TypeDescriptionAPI
MidiVisualizersDataA structure attached to all midi visualizersHere
AudioVisualizersDataA structure attached to all audio visualizersHere

Non-Customizable Data Types

Data Types Available in All Threads

Data TypeDescriptionAPI
GuiParamsContains the status and value of the specified daw parametersHere
realtimePlaybackInfoContains the status of the daw in real timeHere
Data TypeDescriptionAPI
EventFromHostAll per-buffer data received from host are wrapped in this datatype for easy accessHere
MidiFileEventContains the information in a given midi file manually drag/dropped into GUIHere
PlaybackSequenceContains the generated data to be played back or visualizedHere
PlaybackPolicySpecifies how generated content sent to the wrapper are to be interpretedHere

Please check the API links for a more detailed description of each common data type.

Table of contents