Implementation Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure that you have implemented all the necessary steps to deploy your model!

Table of contents

  1. Step 1 - Model Preparation
  2. Step 2 - Parameters
  3. Step 3 - InputTensorPreparator Thread (ITP)
  4. Step 4 - Model Thread (MDL)
  5. Step 5 - PlaybackPreparator Thread (PPP)

Step 1 - Model Preparation

graph TD

    %% Your Model
    subgraph ModelPreparation["Model Preparation"]
        A1[Serialize your PyTorch model] --> A2[Place the model in 'TorchScripts/Models/' folder]
        A2 --> A3[Reload Cmake Project]

Step 2 - Parameters

graph TD
 %% Parameters
    subgraph Parameters
        B1[Identify the parameters] --> B2[Specify the GUI layout]
        B2 --> B3[Specify MIDI Visualizers]

Step 3 - InputTensorPreparator Thread (ITP)

  • ITP Thread
    • Specify the information required from the host
    • Update ModelInput structure
    • Implement the deployment process
graph TD
    %% ITP Thread
    subgraph ITPThread["ITP Thread"]
        C1[Specify the information required from the host] --> C2[Update ModelInput structure]
        C2 --> C3[Implement the deployment process]

Step 4 - Model Thread (MDL)

  • MDL Thread
    • Update ModelOutput structure
    • Implement the deployment process
graph TD

    %% MDL Thread
    subgraph MDLThread["MDL Thread"]
        D1[Update ModelOutput structure] --> D2[Implement the deployment process]

Step 5 - PlaybackPreparator Thread (PPP)

  • PPP Thread
    • Implement the deployment process
    • Specify the PlaybackPolicy
    • Specify the PlaybackSequence
graph TD

    %% PPP Thread
    subgraph PPPThread["PPP Thread"]
        E1[Implement the deployment process] --> E2[Specify the PlaybackPolicy]
        E2 --> E3[Specify the PlaybackSequence]
graph TD

    %% PPP Thread
    subgraph PPPThread["PPP Thread"]
        E1[Implement the deployment process] --> E2[Specify the PlaybackPolicy]
        E2 --> E3[Specify the PlaybackSequence]