
Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Usage
    1. Clearing the Sequence
    2. Adding NoteOn, NoteOff, or Full Note Messages to the Sequence
    3. Example


This data type is a wrapper for the generated content and contains the following fields.

In the PPP thread, this data is already instantiated and can be accessed via the playbackSequence variable.

The timing of the events added to the sequence can be any unit you want. That said, you should make sure that the PlaybackPolicy is set to the same unit.


At any time you can either clear the existing content or add new content to the sequence.

Clearing the Sequence

To clear the sequence, call the clear() method.


Alternatively, you can also clear the sequence starting at a specific time.


Adding NoteOn, NoteOff, or Full Note Messages to the Sequence

To add a note to the sequence, call the addNoteOn() or addNoteOff() or addNoteWithDuration() methods.

MethodDescriptionNote RangeVelocity RangeTime Unit
addNoteOn(int channel, int noteNumber, float velocity, double time)Adds a NoteOn message to the sequence0-1270-1see Note above
addNoteOff(int channel, int noteNumber, float velocity, double time)Adds a NoteOff message to the sequence0-1270-1see Note above
addNoteWithDuration(int channel, int noteNumber, float velocity, double time, double duration)Adds a NoteOn and NoteOff message to the sequence starting at the specified time and ending at the specified time + duration0-1270-1see Note above


Here, I’m clearing the sequence, then adding a random note on to be played at timestamp 4 with a note off at 1 units later. Moreover, I’m adding a note with duration (an octave higher) to be played at timestamp 4 and ending at timestamp 5.

        // clear the previous sequence || append depending on your requirements

        // Note Information
        int channel{1};
        int note = rand() % 64;
        float velocity{0.3f};
        double timestamp{0};
        double duration{1};

        // add noteOn Offs (time stamp shifted by the slider value)
        playbackSequence.addNoteOn(channel, note, velocity, timestamp );
        playbackSequence.addNoteOff(channel, note, velocity, timestamp + duration);
        // add a note with duration (an octave higher)
        playbackSequence.addNoteWithDuration(channel, note+12, velocity, timestamp , duration);