Customizable Data Types

Table of contents

  1. ModelInput & ModelOutput
    1. Modifying the Structures
      1. Example
    2. Using ModelInput
    3. Using ModelOutput
  2. Customizable Data for use within ITP, MDL, and PPP Threads

ModelInput & ModelOutput

ModelInput is a container (struct) for sending data from ITP to MDL thread.

ModelOutput is a container (struct) for sending data from MDL to PPP thread.

Modifying the Structures

For this Stage of Deployment, You should modify the following files


You can modify the structures as you wish by adding or removing fields. However, you must make sure that the timer field is not modified.


Here I have added a double and a torch::Tensor to the ModelInput struct.

struct ModelInput {
    torch::Tensor tensor1{};
    double someDouble{};

    // ==============================================
    // Don't Change Anything in the following section
    // ==============================================
    // used to measure the time it takes
    // for a prepared instance to be
    // sent to the next thread
    chrono_timer timer{};

Using ModelInput

In ITP and MDL Threads, ModelInput is already instantiate as model_input.

In ITP you can modify the model_input as follows:

    // ... some code here
    model_input.someDouble = 0.5;
    model_input.tensor1 = torch::randn({1, 3, 224, 224});
    // ... some code here

Whenever ready, a copy of the model_input can be sent to MDL thread as soon as a true boolean is returned from ITP::deploy(…) method.

In MDL you can access the model_input as follows:

    // ... some code here
    double someDouble = model_input.someDouble;
    torch::Tensor tensor1 = model_input.tensor1;
    // ... some code here

Using ModelOutput

In MDL and PPP Threads, ModelOutput is already instantiate as model_output.

In MDL you can modify the model_output as follows:

    // ... some code here
    model_output.GeneratedTensor = torch::randn({1, 3, 224, 224});
    // ... some code here

Whenever ready, a copy of the model_output can be sent to PPP thread as soon as a true boolean is returned from MDL::deploy(…) method.

In PPP you can access the model_output as follows:

    // ... some code here
    torch::Tensor GeneratedTensor = model_output.GeneratedTensor;
    // ... some code here

Customizable Data for use within ITP, MDL, and PPP Threads

If you need any data to be reused within the deploy method of each thread, you can add them to any of the ITPData, MDLData, or PPPData structs in the CustomStructs.h file.

These structs are instantiated in each of the threads and will be made available to you in the deploy method of each thread as variables called ITPdata, MDLdata, PPPData.

If you need to use a custom torch script in the threads for any reason, you can add the following variable to these structs: ```c++ // assuming that you have your script in a file called “” located // in the TorchScripts/ProcessingScripts folder

struct ITPData { // … some code here torch::jit::script::Module my_script = load_processing_script(“”); ‘’’