Deploy() Method

Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Code

For this Stage of Deployment, You should modify the following file



mention that they should have already added model to project (refer to Model Preparation section)

In this method, you receive the ModelOutput struct received from the MDL thread. Moreover, you have access to the parameters of the plugin. In here you should extract the notes to be played back as well as specify how the playback should occur.

Methods/Variables Available:

  • model_output : The ModelOutput struct received from the MDL thread
  • gui_params : The GuiParams struct containing the parameters of the plugin
  • realtimePlaybackInfo : The RealtimePlaybackInfo struct containing the realtime playback information
  • playbackSequence : The PlaybackSequence struct that you should fill in this method and send to the PPP thread
  • playbackPolicy : The PlaybackPolicy struct that you should fill in this method and send to the PPP thread

This method is called whenever:

  • A ModelOutput is received from the MDL thread
  • Any of the parameters are changed

In order to notify the wrapper whether the PlaybackSequence and/or PlaybackPolicy structs have been filled, you should return a {bool, bool} pair. The first bool indicates whether the PlaybackSequence struct has been filled and the second bool indicates whether the PlaybackPolicy struct has been filled.


std::pair<bool, bool> PlaybackPreparatorThread::deploy(bool new_model_output_received, bool did_any_gui_params_change) {

    // =================================================================================
    // ===         1.a. ACCESSING GUI PARAMETERS
    // Refer to:
    // =================================================================================

    // =================================================================================

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ---- ExampleStarts --
    // in this example, whenever the slider is moved, I resend a sequence of generations
    // to the processor thread (NMP)
    bool testFlag{false};
    auto newPlaybackDelaySlider = gui_params.getValueFor("Generation Playback Delay");
    if (PlaybackDelaySlider != newPlaybackDelaySlider) {
        PrintMessage("PlaybackPreparatorThread: PlaybackDelaySlider changed from" +
        std::to_string(PlaybackDelaySlider) + " to " + std::to_string(newPlaybackDelaySlider));
        PlaybackDelaySlider = newPlaybackDelaySlider;
        testFlag = true;
    // --- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds ------ ExampleEnds ----
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // =================================================================================
    // Refer to:
    // =================================================================================

    // =================================================================================
    // Refer to:
    // =================================================================================

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ---- ExampleStarts --
    auto onsets = model_output.tensor1; // I'm not using this tensor below, just an e.g.

    // ...
    // --- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds ------ ExampleEnds ----
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // =================================================================================
    // ===         3. Add Extracted Generations to Playback Sequence
    // Refer to:
    // =================================================================================

    // =================================================================================
    // ===         4. At least once, before sending generations,
    //                  Specify the PlaybackPolicy, Time_unit, OverwritePolicy
    // Refer to:
    // =================================================================================

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------ ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts ------ ExampleStarts -----
    bool newPlaybackPolicyShouldBeSent{false};
    bool newPlaybackSequenceGeneratedAndShouldBeSent{false};

    if (testFlag) {
        // 1. ---- Update Playback Policy -----
        // Can be sent just once, || every time the policy changes
        // playbackPolicy.SetPaybackPolicy_RelativeToNow();  // or
        playbackPolicy.SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToAbsoluteZero(); // or
        // playbackPolicy.SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToPlaybackStart(); // or

        // playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsSeconds(); // or
        playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsPPQ(); // or
        // playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsAudioSamples(); // or FIXME Timestamps near zero don't work well in loop mode

        bool forceSendNoteOffsFirst{true};
        // playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsInPreviousStreamAndUseNewStream(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or
        playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsAfterNow(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or
        // playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_KeepAllPreviousEvents(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or

        // playbackPolicy.SetClearGenerationsAfterPauseStop(false); //
        // playbackPolicy.DisableLooping();
        newPlaybackPolicyShouldBeSent = true;

        // 2. ---- Update Playback Sequence -----
        // clear the previous sequence || append depending on your requirements

        // I'm generating a single note to be played at timestamp 4 && delayed by the slider value
        int channel{1};
        int note = rand() % 64;
        float velocity{0.3f};
        double timestamp{0};
        double duration{1};

        // add noteOn Offs (time stamp shifted by the slider value)
        playbackSequence.addNoteOn(channel, note, velocity,
                                   timestamp + newPlaybackDelaySlider);
        playbackSequence.addNoteOff(channel, note, velocity,
                                    timestamp + newPlaybackDelaySlider + duration);
        // or add a note with duration (an octave higher)
        playbackSequence.addNoteWithDuration(channel, note+12, velocity,
                                             timestamp + newPlaybackDelaySlider, duration);

        newPlaybackSequenceGeneratedAndShouldBeSent = true;
    // --- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds -------- ExampleEnds ------ ExampleEnds ----
    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // MUST Notify What Data Ready to be Sent
    // If you don't want to send anything, just set both flags to false
    // If you have a new playback policy, set the first flag to true
    // If you have a new playback sequence, set the second flag to true
    return {newPlaybackPolicyShouldBeSent, newPlaybackSequenceGeneratedAndShouldBeSent};

Table of contents