
Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. 1. Checking if available
  3. 2. Identify the type of event
  4. 3. Timing of MIDI events
    1. Quarter Notes
    2. Samples or Seconds
  5. Example


In case, you have enabled the dragging of MIDI files into the plugin (in Configs_GUI.h), whenever a MIDI file is dragged into the plugin, it is converted into a MidiFileEvent and is provided to you in the ITP thread.

These data received from the MIDI file are wrapped in the MidiFileEvent data type and are provided to you in the ITP thread.

In ITP_Deploy.cpp, these events are passed on to you sequentially (whenever available) using the new_midi_event_dragdrop variable of the Deploy() method.

1. Checking if available

Similar to the EventFromHost data type, the new_midi_event_dragdrop variable is an optional variable, as a result before using it, you should always check if it is available

if (new_midi_event_dragdrop.has_value()) {
    // ... 

2. Identify the type of event

There are different types available in the MidiFileEvent data type.

Event TypeCheck MethodDescription
isFirstMessagenew_midi_event_dragdrop->isFirstMessage()True if this is the first message of the MIDI file.
isLastMessagenew_midi_event_dragdrop->isLastMessage()True if this is the last message of the MIDI file.
isNoteOnEventnew_midi_event_dragdrop->isNoteOnEvent()True if this is a Note On event.
isNoteOffEventnew_midi_event_dragdrop->isNoteOffEvent()True if this is a Note Off event.
isCCEventnew_midi_event_dragdrop->isCCEvent()True if this is a Control Change event.

3. Timing of MIDI events

The timings of MIDI events in a loaded file are automatically available in terms of number of quarter notes. That said, using the sample rate and the tempo of the host, you can easily access these in terms of seconds or samples.

Quarter Notes

        auto time_quarterNotes = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time();

Samples or Seconds

        //   First Get the sample rate and tempo of the host 
        auto realtime_playback_info = realtimePlaybackInfo->get();
        auto sample_rate = realtime_playback_info.sample_rate;
        auto qpm = realtime_playback_info.qpm;
        //    Then Get the time of the event in seconds or samples as follows
        auto time_in_seconds = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time(sample_rate, qpm).inSeconds();
        auto time_in_samples = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time(sample_rate, qpm).inSamples();


if (new_midi_event_dragdrop.has_value()) {
        auto time_quarterNotes = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time();
        auto time_in_seconds = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time(sample_rate, qpm).inSeconds();
        auto time_in_samples = new_midi_event_dragdrop->Time(sample_rate, qpm).inSamples();
        auto isFirst = new_midi_event_dragdrop->isFirstMessage();
        auto isLast = new_midi_event_dragdrop->isLastMessage();
        auto isNoteOn = new_midi_event_dragdrop->isNoteOnEvent();
        auto isNoteOff = new_midi_event_dragdrop->isNoteOffEvent();
        if (isNoteOn || isNoteOff) {
            auto noteNumber = new_midi_event_dragdrop->getNoteNumber();
            auto velocity = new_midi_event_dragdrop->getVelocity();
        auto isCC = new_midi_event_dragdrop->isCCEvent();
        if (isCC) {
            auto ccNumber = new_midi_event_dragdrop->getCCValue();


        if (isLast) { // here I'm requesting forward pass only after entire midi file is received