
Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. playbackPolicy Methods Summary
  3. Example Usage


The playback policy specifies how generated events are to be interpreted by the wrapper.

In the PPP thread, this data is already instantiated and can be accessed via the playbackPolicy variable.

AspectOptions & Description
Timing Reference- Relative to Now: Register the current time and play messages relative to that.
- Relative to 0: Stream should be played relative to absolute 0 time.
- Relative to Playback Start: Stream should be played relative to the time when playback started.
Time Unit- Seconds: Time unit is in seconds.
- PPQ (Pulses Per Quarter note): Time unit is in pulses per quarter note.
- Audio Samples: Time unit is in audio samples.
Overwrite Policy- Delete All Events in Previous Stream: Delete all events in the previous stream and use the new stream.
- Delete All Events After Now: Delete all events after the current time.
- Keep All Previous Events: Generations can be played on top of each other, keeping all previous events.
Additional Info- Clear Generations After Pause/Stop: Remove generations once playback is paused or stopped.
- Loop Generations Indefinitely: Loop generations indefinitely until a new one is received. Loop starts at the specified Timing Reference.

playbackPolicy Methods Summary

SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToNow()Sets the timing specification to be relative to the current time.
SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToAbsoluteZero()Sets the timing specification to be relative to absolute 0 time.
SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToPlaybackStart()Sets the timing specification to be relative to the time when playback started.
SetTimeUnitIsSeconds()Sets the time unit to seconds.
SetTimeUnitIsPPQ()Sets the time unit to pulses per quarter note (PPQ).
SetTimeUnitIsAudioSamples()Sets the time unit to audio samples.
SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsInPreviousStreamAndUseNewStream(forceSendNoteOffsFirst)Deletes all events in the previous stream and uses the new stream.
SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsAfterNow(forceSendNoteOffsFirst)Deletes all events after the current time.
SetOverwritePolicy_KeepAllPreviousEvents(forceSendNoteOffsFirst)Retains all previous events, allowing new generations to be played on top.
SetClearGenerationsAfterPauseStop(bool)Determines whether to remove generations once playback is paused or stopped.
ActivateLooping(loopDurationInUserUnit)Activates looping of generations for a specific duration in user unit
DisableLooping()Deactivates looping of generations.
  • forceSendNoteOffsFirst determines whether to send note offs after deleting to ensure no hanging note ons.

Example Usage

This section provides code snippets demonstrating how to set various playback policies.

// Can be sent just once OR every time the policy changes Depending on the target task

// playbackPolicy.SetPaybackPolicy_RelativeToNow();  // or
playbackPolicy.SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToAbsoluteZero(); // or
// playbackPolicy.SetPlaybackPolicy_RelativeToPlaybackStart(); // or

// playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsSeconds(); // or
playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsPPQ(); // or
// playbackPolicy.SetTimeUnitIsAudioSamples(); // or FIXME Timestamps near zero don't work well in loop mode

bool forceSendNoteOffsFirst{true};
// playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsInPreviousStreamAndUseNewStream(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or
playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_DeleteAllEventsAfterNow(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or
// playbackPolicy.SetOverwritePolicy_KeepAllPreviousEvents(forceSendNoteOffsFirst); // or

// playbackPolicy.SetClearGenerationsAfterPauseStop(false); //
// playbackPolicy.DisableLooping();